Saturday, January 14, 2006

Saudi’s Choice

The Saudis’ are sending the detritus of their own society to the Iraq theater. The longer US forces attrit Arab jihadists in and around Iraq the easier it will for the Wahabists to keep the fabric of burkhas on at home. Not very promising in itself but the spread of democracy in the region coupled with liberalization of women’s rights will takes its toll.

Meanwhile the EU is playing toesy with the mullahs, the US must be weighing its options of a nuclear Iran.

We got a hard slog to win the hearts and minds of Americans at home. If not our generation will future generations take up the mantel imbued with the knowledge of the righteousness of our endeavors? One can only hope that the victims of our current educational system will rebel against the tired Trotskyites of academia.

As far as sponsorship is concerned, churches and religious institutions are the greatest contributors of charity. This is perhaps potentially the most insidious conduit of money. (Expect the IRS to get very proactive in the US on this) It seems the only weapon against Wahabi madrassas would be to turn a reformed Islam back upon itself. Who will be a partner with civilization to achieve this goal if not a democratic Saudi Arabia?


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