Thursday, March 02, 2006

Clash of Civilizations

Wretchard writes about John Kerry: “He was a placeholder for a policy that didn't exist.”

That sums it up nicely. Kerry was always an enigma to me. I must admit that I don’t recall hearing of him prior to the 2004 campaign. He was a convenient pro tem while the constituency sorted out the way forward. It seems that the argument over that way has focused the debate on a criticism of each political opponents style over substance and we are left with a myriad of paths with “Do Not Enter” signs in their entrances.

The Cold War was in itself the very ‘Clash of Civilizations’. It was a dialectic of economic competition. Still, somehow that clash had subsumed itself into the venues of a lost civilization that is ‘Islam’. If it weren’t for the intractable debacle of the Middle East, we’d be once again consumed with the reform of aboriginal societies. But this time, not to bring them into the embrace of the 21st century, but to remake ourselves more like them, a million tribes and two billion campfires burning in the cement wilderness with the internet replaced by the slow, staccato beat of drums in the binary interchange upon the aural highways.

Until there is a healthy competition of ideas to obtain the same, or nearly the same goals, we are weaving ever precariously down the road of our own destiny be it salvation or our own destruction.

Global Trade and Global Terror (GT/GT) are at direct odds with one another and the two can not be blended into a middle way. They are particle and anti-particle and for both to survive they must stay separated lest they are destroyed. But the force attracting them together is inversely proportional to the square of their distance they are from one another. This is to say, the more they come in contact through Global Trade, the greater the force that will fuse them together in a final release of energy.

It is up to society at large to decide the fate of the new world, now that we live in a global village; no manner of isolationism is possible. Tasmania has been bridged, there is no last frontier in the spatial domain of earth, just the final frontier of the mind and it will be inhabited by all the individuals that make up society. They can choose what is just or just what is to be by neglect.


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