Bring the Mole-Hill to Mohammad
"Clinton warns of rising anti-Islamic feeling" -- that's the lead in a Yahoo! News article quoting Agence Press France. The incident former President Clinton refers to is the caricature of Mohammed by cartoonists in a Danish Newspaper. (Hat Tip Wretchard)
"So now what are we going to do? ... Replace the anti-Semitic prejudice with anti-Islamic prejudice?"
By all means no. We need to maintain the anti-Semitic prejudice. Besides its’ what we have the most experience at. And the joos don’t need to worry. We are doing everything we can to replace them with heterosexual Western European males.
But don’t worry, offenders will be dealt with just as soon as Islamic Militants threaten innocent aid workers. Does terrorism work? Oh hell yeah, we’ll make it work.
“One of the gunman said that citizens of both countries should not enter Gaza until an apology is made.” Thank you William Jefferson Clinton for answering to the terrorists. Allah is a very sensitive god and will fret if his prophet is depicted by someone in ugly way. Allah don’t put up with no disrespect. Respeto baby. Give it or die… or is it submit or die?
Here are the “offending” images. These cartoons are not offensive. A little childish but what is offensive and unacceptable is terror mongering from Islam. I salute the Danish press for not being intimidated by these ignorant swine.
"If Mohammad won't come to the mountain, then I'll bring the mountain to Mohammad"
The following is an explanation of where this phrase comes from.
IF THE MOUNTAIN WILL NOT COME TO MOHAMMED, MOHAMMED WILL GO TO THE MOUNTAIN - "If one cannot get one's own way, one must adjust to the inevitable. The legend goes that when the founder of Islam was asked to give proofs of his teaching, he ordered Mount Safa to come to him. When the mountain did not comply, Mohammed raised his hands toward heaven and said, 'God is merciful. Had it obeyed my words, it would have fallen on us to our destruction. I will therefore go to the mountain and thank God that he has had mercy on a stiff-necked generation.' The saying has been traced back in English to 'Essays,' (1625) by English philosopher Frances Bacon (1561-1626).
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