Sunday, January 22, 2006

Noble Lawbreakers

I was listening to an Am radio channel in a rental car last night. I was making a quick trip to dinner and back so all I heard was the following exchange;

“Being against illegal immigration is racist. (woman with a mid-western accent). My husband is an illegal alien. He works his ass off. All they want is to come here and work so that they can take care of their families. This land was taken from them originally. It belonged to Mexico.”

From this I inferred the following ideas; 1) All national boundaries are either sovereign of they are racist. It could not be both. 2) I married someone who has no legal right to be here. 3) Many illegal aliens are hard workers. 4) All they want is to take care of their families, especially the ones they make while here illegally. 5) They see themselves as soldiers in a war to reaffirm the rights of Mexico here in America. We are at war.

In the background, you could hear our ‘noble’ lawbreaker yelling; “chinga tu madre pinche puto!”

Last week on the local Fox affiliate, while I was getting ready for work I heard; “Those who are protesting illegal immigration are racists! We at war! It is time to rally our forces, to gather our men and prepare to wage battle.”
It occurs to me that the rhetoric of illegal immigration has risen to the level of ‘pre-war’ belligerence. If something doesn’t happen soon, it is clear that the war that was fought so many years ago, will be fought again.


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