Saturday, January 14, 2006

On George Galloway

An incitement to war must ultimately be answered with bombs and bullets. If we are to endure the seditious rants of the like of George Galloway we must answer his unmistakable call. At what point is the ability of our intelligence services overwhelmed by the opposition forces who answer this escalating drum beat?

The treason must be stopped, you are either with us or you are with the enemy. If the slightest muttering of hatred is a state crime here in the west, how can we stand for the hate filled screeds of the like of gorgeous George abroad? It must stop.

If our government can do nothing, then maybe someone who is truly concerned for the future of his daughters can take Galloway to task for his plea for murder, for murder is what is being demanded and murder it will be. Our adversaries may make the rules but it is anybodies game to play. May the fragments not carry too far.

It is an abrogation of responsibility for a government to allows it’s citizens to travel abroad to taunt and call on an enemy to act out in “self defense” (defense of ones daughters), an enemy that is finding it increasingly difficult to rationalize anything but war. It is incitement to Jihad nothing less, and if our government cannot protect it’s citizenry from such madmen, perhaps it should be handled by the “Minutemen” of more rational minds. George Galloway must answer to his crimes against humanity now!


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