Monday, March 13, 2006

Death of a Tyrant

If the West is indeed at war with the Mohammedans, then it may be an object lesson in Machiavellian war strategy that the Serbs managed to utilize the very weakness of the UN institutions for their deadly goals.

Where history would mock the actions of the UN commanders, the strength of their good intentions alone will ensure that they are used again and again by a feckless, self-loathing European gentry class that has evolved retarded from generations of ideological inbreeding.

General George Patton famously suggested that the US Army rearm the Nazis and send them against the Russians. In the same light we must ask ourselves who the real enemy was here, the Serbs or the tactics that they employed against what they considered an existential threat to the Serbian state. We speak of the horror of the Serbian ethnic cleansing and almost in the same breath belittle the French for creating their own ethnic ghettos.

If the UN can be viewed as human shields to be used to the advantage of the aggressor, it is difficult to imagine how they might be brought to service for the West, but nonetheless, we need to consider this as we plot out future strategies.

No doubt Milosevic certainly understood this, and as “unsound” as his policies may have been, I sometimes wonder if we, in our race to prove our humanity in the face of our enemies, cast our lot with the wrong side.


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