Saturday, January 14, 2006


Politics are bounded by the fault-lines of contention. Introduce to this the complexities of the geographic chest board and one would wonder if there are not already too many players in the game. But it is a matter of certainty that when additional ‘pawns’ are added on the board that they would be manipulated to their full potential by those who would control by deception, subterfuge, and the force of arms the game board.

The naiveté exhibited by Europeans in matters of Jihad, mimics their erstwhile romantic infatuation with Bader Mein hoff, the IRA, and Che’.
One might look forward to a time where the extremely dangerous potential of a nuclear capable terrorist might evoke the ire of the Euro-PC elites, to beg off the subtle, incorruptible onslaught of truth and receive instead, the ‘gift of desperation’.


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