Sunday, January 15, 2006

US Air Strikes in the Heart of Pakistan?

Three suspect houses were demolished by a US air strike in the Bajur tribal region of Pakistan. If this is true it marks an incident where US forces have struck in the heart of Pakistan. It is likely that a lot of weight was given to the intelligence report that indicated the target. The ‘blowback’ to the Musharraf regime was fierce and predictable.

“Yesterday some of the results of the strike were very clear: three ruined houses, mud-brick rubble scattered across the steeply terraced fields, the bodies of livestock lying where thrown by the airblast, a row of newly dug graves in the village cemetery and torn green and red embroidered blankets flapping in the chilly wind. Four children were among the 18 villagers who died in the brutally sudden attack on their homes”, the Guardian observes.”,16937,1686918,00.html

The village lies in the semi-autonomous Bajur tribal region around 120 miles northwest of Islamabad.

The eyes in the sky can see you.“The upgraded Predator, the MQ-9 Hunter/Killer, has been operational in the Balkans since April 2001. In March 2005, the USAF awarded a further contract for the System Design & Development (SDD) of MQ-9. 15 MQ-9 have been ordered and eight delivered to the USAF. The Predator B has an operational ceiling of 50,000ft and a maximum internal payload of 800lb and external payload of over 3,000lb. Predator B has been flight tested with Hellfire II anti-armour missiles and can carry up to 14 missiles.”
If it can see you, it can kill you. Up to 14 missiles. That is a lot of ‘Hellfire’.

“Thousands of local men marched in a series of protests yesterday, one crowd attacking the office of a US-funded aid group. In another incident, police were forced to fire tear gas to disperse as many as 400 protesters chanting anti-American slogans and waving banners condemning the Pakistan President, General Pervez Musharraf.”

Pakistan announced it would file a formal protest with the Americans. Skeptics will observe that Musharraf is cooperating fully with the Americans while crying foul for consumption at home. This is a dangerous tight-rope for the regime and only time will tell whether the Pakistani’s at large are, in the famous words of George W. Bush, ‘with us or with the terrorists’.

Meanwhile, on the home front, the issue of domestic spying is heating up.
“Bush has pointed to a congressional resolution passed after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, that authorized him to use force in the fight against terrorism as allowing him to order the program. The program authorized eavesdropping of international phone calls and e- mails of people deemed a terror risk.
"I thought they were wrong," Specter said on ABC's "This Week." "There still may be different collateral powers under wartime situations. That is a knotty question."

Senatorial hearings will be on-going at the precise moment that the UNSC is reviewing the Iran nuclear issue. Arlen Specter noted in general terms that the hearings may conclude with a criminal prosecution or impeachment.

What is a greater state, one that protects its’ own or one that feeds on its’ own? It is difficult to say at this time that the one who would prosecute its’ chief executive during war time could survive the impending holocaust.

But for the moment, ‘the Great Satan own the Heavens’.


At 5:52 PM, Blogger Doug said...

"Arlen Specter noted in general terms that the hearings may conclude with a criminal prosecution or impeachment"
It's a friggin non-issue to anyone who KNOWS the real issues!
Jeez! ...and it's not even poll driven, just driven by the madness of our corrupt Beltway Culture.

Being Fawned over by the Beltway Media Still Rules (and ruins) the day.

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Annoy Mouse said...

The quote verbatim Doug is as follows;

“Specter, speaking in general terms, noted that impeachment and criminal prosecution are possibilities in the event a president acted unconstitutionally.”

Although he said it hypothetically, the fact that he brought it up at all is disturbing. Sometimes I think Specter goes out of his way to be one of the boys… one of the Democrat boys.

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Doug said...

Criminally Prosecute AMERICAblog!
Run Verizon out of business!
AMERICAblog just bought General Wesley Clark's cell phone records for $89.95
- NZ Bear

At 8:37 PM, Blogger Annoy Mouse said...

AmericaBlog. Geez. Just when I thought the US, absent of over-reaching tyranny, was one big happy family.

Here’s a gem, our pundit with a social conscious extols us to donate on the top of his page. He goes on to say that he has abandoned his consulting business and blogs full time.
“Why should you contribute?
1. Consider the blog a newspaper or magazine. You'd pay for those without missing a beat, why not do the same for your favorite blogs?

2. Consider the blog an advocacy organization, like your favorite gay rights group, civil rights org, liberal non-profit, etc. We do the same activism they do, some might argue we do it a lot better, and they get millions to the campaigns we do for free.

3. More generally, if you like what we do, help us do it. I do a lot more than just write on the blog. I do advocacy on a variety of issues, help out on local campaigns when I can (like in Maine this past weekend), do TV punditry on progressive causes, etc. If you like the work I do across the board, help me do more of it (please).

Elsewhere he gives us this post in it’s entirety;
“NSA Web site says it's a violation of the 4th Amendment to spy on Americans
by John in DC - 12/24/2005 07:02:00 PM
Well, they say it on their own Web site, so I guess that issue is settled. It's a violation of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution for the NSA to spy on Americans. End of discussion.

Bush violated the constitutional rights of every single American.”

He goes on bloviating

They're now coming up with all sorts of "examples" of where Clinton - surprise! - and Jimmy Carter supposedly spied on Americans without search warrants.

Says it’s all a lie. The guy’s full of sh_t.

At 1:44 AM, Blogger Doug said...

Yeah, but he likes Wesley Clark, so how can he be all bad?

At 5:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats would impeach and try George Bush for no other reason than payback for Clinton. That is their underpinning, their great white hope. In their circles, this is their common fantasy.

At 5:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

400 Tribesman protesting? Is it a rent-a-mob or will it be a groundswell of anti-Americanism that sweeps Pakistan, then the greater Islamic world?

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Annoy Mouse said...


The Guardian headline says it all;

The drone, the CIA and a botched attempt to kill bin Laden's deputy

We should do a better jog of choosing our enemies.

If only we could get 400 al Queda affiliates together, wouldn't that make a nice group photo? All-right everybody, get closer together, say "Allah Akbar!"

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Annoy Mouse said...

Gore doing what he does best, demagoging.

“Congressman Barr and I have disagreed many times over the years, but we have joined together today with thousands of our fellow citizens-Democrats and Republicans alike-to express our shared concern that America's Constitution is in grave danger.
In spite of our differences over ideology and politics, we are in strong agreement that the American values we hold most dear have been placed at serious risk by the unprecedented claims of the Administration to a truly breathtaking expansion of executive power.
It is this same disrespect for America's Constitution which has now brought our republic to the brink of a dangerous breach in the fabric of the Constitution. And the disrespect embodied in these apparent mass violations of the law is part of a larger pattern of seeming indifference to the Constitution that is deeply troubling to millions of Americans in both political parties.”

At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, I checked more than a half dozen blog sites including some big boys and no one other than Observanda and Annoy Mouse mentioned the Gore rant.

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Annoy Mouse said...

Bill Roggio has a very detailed description of the Bajur raid in Pakistan at Threatswatch.

I've been trying to get a location of the house that was bombed in Pakistan, but the best I can do is that it is in a village called Damadola, in the Bajur province, near an offshoot of the Kunar-Chitral route.


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