The Wogs of Gore
Ahmed Saadat was seized by Israeli soldiers from a Palestinian Authority jail in Jericho after it was feared that he would be released by the new Hamas administration and very shortly after the British monitors guarding him had left the compound. Belmont Club
The action by Israeli forces may come off as draconian but I believe that the message has to be to Middle Easterners is that; “if you say it, we believe it”. Threaten to free a political assassin and we will do something that your fellow country wont, we will believe you. When I hear Iranians bleating “Death to America”, I believe.
The Palestinians play the Liberal game, vigorously establish guilt, then go easy on the perpetrator. The only interruption on Saadat’s life was he didn’t have to do his own grocery shopping. This description on Saadat’s incarceration evokes a scene straight out of “Good Fellows”.
“People are saying that he is someone who is a fighter and who simply has fought for his political ideals, and they do not want him to go”. One can’t fault a race of ‘rock throwers’ their heros, but the honorable way for a militant to die at the hands of his executioners is by firing squad. They should accord him the honor.
Either way this situation put British and US soldiers in an unnecessary and degrading predicament. No wonder that this humiliating decision put the Palestinians on edge. The Israelis should have pummeled the ‘compound’ to shards while everyone was expecting it. The Palestinians would have gotten over it, and if not, where would we be now, staring in the eyes of a Hamas controlled government?
Finally, the gloves come off. Maybe Belgium can step up to the bat.
And when Americans are bleating"Death to America?"
I do not mind, I am lately Canadian.
Well,death to Canada then.
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