Take Your Pick
Radical Islam has an ideological backbone similar to communism that appeals to the disaffected and can win over mass populations like Ho Chi Min, Mao Tse-Tung, and Vladimir Lenin did.
Civilian casualties have occurred in past wars but for committing acts of sedition, militant pacifists dared not over play their cards. Now two-bit losers like Cindy Sheehan are media stars.
The Kabuki Theater of the Arab street is enough to enflame militant America haters in Germany and endears them to such fascist propaganda as goose-stepping parades over American flags. It boils down to genocide has gotten a bad rap but those who have the guts to wield it will rule the world. Kill all the Jews in the Middle East and wait a decade, then kill all the Jews in Europe, and wait another decade and kill the rest of the Jews in America. Meanwhile American Jews will be trying to impeach Bush and kill the rest of the infidels by dragging them to court and executing them in the media.
In the end a lot of killing is going to go on and we as individuals need to decide what side of the ledger we would like to be on. Ideological pacifists enslaved to a murderous cult, or warriors, bloodied by a zeal for peace and freedom. When WWIV hits, do we pull together or do we have to pull apart Cindy Sheehan and all her militant pacifists?
I have had it with the MSM pro-fascist propaganda machine. The control system has gone open-loop and we are now spiraling to certain disaster. The Germans hate us existentially. The French are not our friends. Britain is embarrassed by us. Why do we look for Europe’s approval for anything? Global Caliphate, global trade, or global thermonuclear war. Take your pick.
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