Pack it Stan
Pack it Stan
Pakistani’s radicals seem to be fulfilling a world-wide mission at the beck and calling of the Saudi funded madrassas. I hearken back to Wretchard’s guest host who said, essentially that the Jihadi’s were burning their boats upon the shore so that there would no way back, only utter victory or utter defeat. When such a conflict fully evolves a state like India, 800 million some odd humans, it will be interesting and potentially brutal.
Teresita Opines:
Ironically, the ones who oppose the extremists also want a polarized world. When the suggestion is made that both sides have barbaric scriptures or resort to torture or the slaughter of civilians, thus making the whole mess a gray goo, this is called being "too PC"
Buddy Suspects Moral Equivalence
It might be gray goo if either side could halt hostilities without a cultural capitulation (but only the jihad side 'can').
It might be gray goo if neither side was an aggressor (but the jihad 'is').
Annoy Mouse Thinks He Knows What “Gray Goo” Is
The gray goo is the color and texture of the cranial contents that seems to get smeared around when bullets fly and bombs go off. The question is who's gray goo gets spread around and how many innocents foreign and domestic get pulled into the inevitable downward spiral of violence. Chemo-therapy is a dangerous concoction that kills the foreign invader through successive applications or until it kills it's host. That it be applied with some discretion is a topic of heated debate.
Am I a Dove or a Hawk?
By temperament I consistently fall into the category of those who believe “kill them all, let god sort them out”. But as there is a separation of powers in government there is in my own mind, the faculty to know that this does not mesh well with political reality. There is an inherent duality that exists in all of our minds and it is the crux of eternal argument across the corpus collosium divide.
Should I Throw Stones or Not?
The West is the beneficiary of a global industrial economic system that has become the “glass house” built upon the supply of oil producing states. Though we might expect these oil producing states to behave financially responsible in the global economic forum the Islamic mind forbids rational actions. Breaking things and killing people is much more ethically complicated when you have your own interests at stake.
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