Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Law of Expectations

There is a thing called the “law of expectations” which some regard as psycho-babble claptrap that states that you ‘will’ what eventually happens, that through positive or negative reinforcement one eventually achieves the results that they have conjured.

If such a law is true than it would be doubly so for media because media need only conjure a reasonable portrayal of reality to make it so. It is both art and entertainment in an age that uses “reality” or the bare semblance of it to accomplish the deed of TV. Take the strained hyper reality constructs of Oliver Stone and Michael Moore. Stone ever so artful weaves a case as a lawyer might and Moore ever so crass, mish-mashing a puzzle of incredulity that holds together by the indignant reactions that it is meant to stir, wrong nonetheless.

So we hope for the raids and the eventual destruction of Sadr and we get the disappointing news that the coalition is only breaking up another al Queda cell or this is all smoke and mirrors for a darker thing. A thing that is best countered with a modicum of information security or not to play into the hands of MSM because it is political dynamite? If transparency brings understanding does understanding bring tactical advantage to the enemies? What alliances have been forged in the dark and whose side are we on, if none but our own?


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