Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Two Thousand and Eight

Random Musings:

The concussion claim immediately struck me as preposterous. Sure she was being shot at from all directions and was in the vicinity of a suicide bomb blast, but don’t blame us… it was her fault, she bumped her head.

Bhutto must’ve had a death wish or an unrealistic belief in the civility of her country mates or her god for that matter. She seemed to goad on her political opposition challenging them to make her a martyr. In a country like Pakistan, born of the ever struggling Muslims who cannot get along with their neighbors her wish was granted.

Are all people of this region pathological liars? Who could you ask for an unbiased opinion with this mendacious creed? Only the media benefits substantially from the clouds of misinformation in the Muslim east in that they, the media, become the sole arbiters of truth.

With ubiquitous video devices abounding in every backwater hell hole, lying and dithering is getting harder and harder to convince. Welcome to modernity Mohammad.

Truth is a delicate thing when it is surrounded by anarchists. I have pondered how democracy in the USA can survive when we value freedom of speech so much that we allow university professors to out the “Little Eichmanns” and profess that 911 was a government conspiracy. At some point, where consensus becomes an impossibility, the war of ideas will turn kinetic and those with the strongest will to destroy their enemies will prevail. The liberal establishment has been destroying Western civilization by a thousand pin pricks because in a democracy they can rely on the civility of those with whom they disagree. It remains to be seen if such civility will hold out when the “revolution” finally takes root. I suspect that if one cannot visualize whorled peas the fascist state boogey man can take root by shear will and the laws of expectation.

See, the problem with the liars is when they say that there were bullet wounds, but none fatal, it is hard to believe. So what do they do? They bury the results of the autopsy and bury her body before it is cold. Islamic law will likely keep the corpse buried and beyond inspection.

It takes a hell of a blow to cause fatal head trauma. Oh if it is hit just right I suppose, but there is video evidence of Bhutto ducking down and short of a spike being driven deep into her frontal lobe, it really stretches the imagination beyond the elastic limit. One could reasonably expect that kind of trauma to result in a coma, but no near instant death.

I am not given to conspiracy theories in general, I tend to believe the simplest and most pedestrian of answers but this is a case where the bullsh!t alarms went off immediately.

The so-called progressives (anarchists) who on one side say visualize world peace and on the other decry “Bushitler” and Cheney’s fascist state will ultimately spawn less freedom (a move towards a police state) because democracy cannot work in a society that is incapable of rational debate.

Near 50% of all Pakistani’s approve of Osama bin Laden, near 40% approve of Musharaff prior to the latest crisis, and less than 10% approve of Bush. Yet the U.S State Department is hell bent to giving these maniacs a quick democratic fix. Maybe we can cut to the chase and give bin Laden the nukes he wants and get straight to it.

Mark Steyn quotes Kurtz recently on NRO; “…even at the height of imperial power, the laws of British India, by treaty and tradition, only governed 100 yards either side of Waziristan’s main roads.”

Steyn goes on to speculate; “Today, it’s the tribal lands that have a 200-yard corridor through the rest of the country, exporting Islamist values through the network of madrassahs to the fierce young men in the cities. Just as the Taliban eventually seized control of Afghanistan, so they believe they’ll one day control Pakistan.”

Based on these possibilities I wouldn’t be so quick in condemning Musharaff. Democracy is great but it can’t be built on shifting sands.

"Since the “conquest” of Iraq, over one million Iraqis have been slaughtered or have died from the tragic, but unavoidable consequences of invasion and occupation. BushCo have desecrated our Constitution and the almost complete fascist take-over of our media and the blatant stealing of our freedoms here at home have bypassed many Americans while they are slumbering in our dull, stupid sleep."

Cindy Sheehan


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