Thursday, January 31, 2019

Signs and Wonders

We live in the days of signs and wonders. Our nation is changing and with it, new opportunities arise. In these interesting times never let a crisis go to waste.
Consider the new York late term abortion bill. An unviable tissue mass can be aborted up to and including its ostensible birth date. It is the mother’s choice to abort alive. The clinician performing this vital work doesn’t have to be a medical doctor. That really opens up some very important business possibilities. Now that we have established this fact let’s consider how long after birth a mere formality. This could be a boon to societies problem’s with violence and drugs.
In New York today there is the "280 Gangsta Crips" all wallowing in the ineffective justice system. Poor justice system. If we could get any of these young unviable tissue masses mothers to sign an affidavit to perform a legal procedure, ex post facto, then anyone with or without medical training could perform the procedure with total legal impunity.
If mom has ever uttered, “I wish little Anton (or Jesus) was never born”, well, there’s hope. One could use a coat hanger to get the job done, an enterprising person (clinician) could perhaps make a large pair of hydraulic powered scissors. It is yet unknown if the clinician could use a sanitary stainless-steel revolver or 9mm but those are just details.
Happy Deathday Jesus! You are unwanted.