Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Plan!

I received this little ditty while I was watching "Dead Poet Society", so I was inspired to post it here for a little well earned plagiarism. I am not sure I believe that the purported author said it, but I hope he did.

"You gotta love Robin Williams...Even if he's nuts! Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan. What we need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message.

Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!)

"I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's ! one plan."

1) "The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in their affairs, past and present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those "good ole boys", we will never "interfere" again.

2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany, South Korea, the Middle East, and the Philippines. They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.

3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave. We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.

4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given! a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.

5) No foreign "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home baby.

6) The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while.

7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling
up the storage sites would be enough.)

8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not "interfere." They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen
or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.

9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.

10) All Americans must go to charm! and beauty school. That way, no one can call us "Ugly Americans" any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH...learn it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?

"The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses." She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?' "

Isolationism – Nationalism – Sovereignty

Isolationism ( s -l sh -n z m)
A national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries.

n : a policy of nonparticipation in international economic and political relations

Nationalism (n sh -n -l z m, n sh n -)
1. Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation.
2. The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively,
emphasizing national rather than international goals.
3. Aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination.

n 1: love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it [syn: patriotism] 2: the doctrine that your national culture and interests are superior to any other [ant: multiculturalism, internationalism] 3: the aspiration for national independence felt by people under foreign domination 4: the doctrine that nations should act independently (rather than collectively) to attain their goals [ant: internationalism]

Sovereignty (s v r- n-t , s v r n-)
Supremacy of authority or rule as exercised by a sovereign or sovereign state.
1. Royal rank, authority, or power.
2. Complete independence and self-government.
3. A territory existing as an independent state.

Main Entry: sov·er·eign·ty
Variant: also sov·ran·ty /'sä-vr&n-tE, 's&-, -v&-r&n-/
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -ties
1 a : supreme power esp. over a body politic b : freedom from external control : AUTONOMY
2 : one that is sovereign; especially : an autonomous state

n 1: government free from external control 2: royal authority; the dominion of a monarch [syn: reign]

of God, his absolute right to do all things according to his own good pleasure
(Dan. 4:25, 35; Rom. 9:15-23; 1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 4:11).

Know the difference.

Super Bloody Sunday

If the latest chatter from our good friends from the religion of piece is any indication, al Qaeda has big plans for Super Bowl Sunday. The Islamic extremists have been having a difficulty in topping their latest stunt, commonly referred to 9-11, what they can’t make up in shear size and audacity they will certainly try to make up in shear wide spread audacity.

How could they do this?

Well, the loose collection of demagogues in Washington, who once used to represent and protect this nation have gone native and abrogated their civil responsibilities. They have given up upholding the laws of this nation and have allowed a foreign power called chaos to rule. Does that mean that murder is now legal? No it just means that it is likely to happen more, that Americans will be the targets, and the culprits will get away with it. But that’s tyranny for you. All for me and my kingdom, and for you? You die. Thanks Mr. President for letting the terrorists into this country. I vow I will vote for any politician who will promise to save America from the crime wave that has taken over what was once our government. A government that will not practice sovereignty will not stand for long. Sovereignty now!

Backpack Bombers Invade America
"It's too early to conclude if he's a member of any Muslim militant group," Querol told Reuters. "The bomb was not ready to go but it could be assembled easily."

Security analysts have warned that small bombs in backpacks were becoming the weapon of choice among Muslim militants after last year's attacks on the Indonesian resort island of Bali that killed 20 people at restaurants packed with foreign tourists. (link)

There not coming. They are already amongst us. They can secure the Super Bowl but they can not secure every pub in America. Only a sovereign nation could make it’s borders secure. Out with the racist anti-American riff-raff and in with an administration that is not ashamed of this nation and what it stands for.

We are nothing without our ‘Borders, Language, Culture”.

Bring the Mole-Hill to Mohammad

"Clinton warns of rising anti-Islamic feeling" -- that's the lead in a Yahoo! News article quoting Agence Press France. The incident former President Clinton refers to is the caricature of Mohammed by cartoonists in a Danish Newspaper. (Hat Tip Wretchard)

"So now what are we going to do? ... Replace the anti-Semitic prejudice with anti-Islamic prejudice?"

By all means no. We need to maintain the anti-Semitic prejudice. Besides its’ what we have the most experience at. And the joos don’t need to worry. We are doing everything we can to replace them with heterosexual Western European males.

But don’t worry, offenders will be dealt with just as soon as Islamic Militants threaten innocent aid workers. Does terrorism work? Oh hell yeah, we’ll make it work.

“One of the gunman said that citizens of both countries should not enter Gaza until an apology is made.” Thank you William Jefferson Clinton for answering to the terrorists. Allah is a very sensitive god and will fret if his prophet is depicted by someone in ugly way. Allah don’t put up with no disrespect. Respeto baby. Give it or die… or is it submit or die?

Here are the “offending” images. These cartoons are not offensive. A little childish but what is offensive and unacceptable is terror mongering from Islam. I salute the Danish press for not being intimidated by these ignorant swine.

"If Mohammad won't come to the mountain, then I'll bring the mountain to Mohammad"

The following is an explanation of where this phrase comes from.

IF THE MOUNTAIN WILL NOT COME TO MOHAMMED, MOHAMMED WILL GO TO THE MOUNTAIN - "If one cannot get one's own way, one must adjust to the inevitable. The legend goes that when the founder of Islam was asked to give proofs of his teaching, he ordered Mount Safa to come to him. When the mountain did not comply, Mohammed raised his hands toward heaven and said, 'God is merciful. Had it obeyed my words, it would have fallen on us to our destruction. I will therefore go to the mountain and thank God that he has had mercy on a stiff-necked generation.' The saying has been traced back in English to 'Essays,' (1625) by English philosopher Frances Bacon (1561-1626).

Boots on the Ground

I believe that the greatest objections raised against Operation Iraqi Freedom were the uncertainty of the outcome. We heard grave projections of a Stalingrad siege of Baghdad with losses in the tens of thousands. We have all heard the meme that a war can not be won by air power alone, and the Baathist regime certainly understood this when they chose to garrison half the state operations in underground bunkers. Now after notable failures such as Somalia, it was abundantly clear to some, and certainly bin Laden and his minions that the US could not weather the domestic politics of a ground invasion, that the casualties would be to great for the American public to bear. Now I think that this notion has been roundly defeated, in spite of the tremendous efforts of the Left wing of American politics and it’s actors.

I haven’t embraced the concept of ‘Nation-Building’ and I don’t think most conservatives have. Iraq is a special case because it represents the unfinished business of the Bush I administration. If we invaded Basra and pummeled the regime into the dirt it would have been up to the ‘International-Community’ to pick up the pieces. The concern that Iraq would fall into the hands of Iran was a good sell back then but kicking the can down the road gave us 12 years of Saddam’s genocide and the rise of a truly fascist regime in Iran. The stakes are higher than ever. If Iran crosses the Rubicon there will be no nation building. One could hope quite the opposite, who threatens Iran now?

Now to the point in case. If ‘boots on the ground’ were absolutely necessary in Iraq to eject the Baathist government, provided that it could be accomplished, what to do with the remnants of the Iraqi government in its stead? I think this is where Powell most famously said; “You break it, you buy it”. If that is so, what do you do, you prop it up on its own, brush it off, give it a few lessons on democracy (CPA), then send them on their way.

The U.S. set about to democratize Iraq as a remedy and to make a positive example out of what was largely an affront to the ‘Arab street’. Nation building is a rationalization born in the practicality of a particular Iraqi predicament more than it is policy of future world political conquest. May it serve as a shining light for the brave generations of the future.

The best way to deal with tyrants is to tell them what you expect of them, give them a chance to reform, and failing that, give them a dose of medicine. Occasionally, you have to ‘show them the implements of torture’ to get their attention. Unfortunately, with the vast schism in the United States, regimes like Iran’s new president don’t think the U.S. has the necessary resolve. The lesson must be re-taught until rote memorization sinks in. I would hope that the upcoming showdown with Iran would be resolved by strictly bombing Iran into smithereens, but I am afraid that is chances of going regional, or global are substantial.

I think if we’re to believe in democracy at all we must be willing to suffer the consequences when political-terrorist organizations are popularly elected. For those of us who have known that the Palestinians were ‘scorpions’ it should come to little surprise, but for the Europeans who were convinced otherwise, this may be shocking news.

Again I think we can be glad that democracy is working in Palestine. The United States is hamstrung on the Iranian issue for precisely the fact that the Mullahs are unpopular and, it would seem, that the peoples will has been thwarted. Palestine prayers have been answered in Hamas. I know for myself, I will not have a shred of regret when they, the Palestinian people, are bombed into the Stone Age, alright, into something before the Stone Age.

So will Hamas change its’ stripes and embrace the opportunity for peace or does the Road-Map lead to a dead end? As is so often told, the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. We’ll see.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Perennial Question of Information Warfare

In his book, The New Face of War, Bruce Berkowitz asks the perennial question in regard to information intelligence on the enemy;

“Even the Indians faced the Perennial Question when they discovered rival tribes using smoke signals. It confounds information warriors even today”

Deny, deceive, destroy, or exploit?

Do you transmit your smoke signals to interfere with his?
Do you send bogus to confuse your adversary so that he is easier to kill?
Do you find the enemy sending the message and kill him?
Or do you quietly watch the signals so you know where your adversary plans to be, head him off, and kill him then?”

What do you do with information intelligence on Al Qaeda? Well, if you’re a disgruntled CIA or NSA analyst you clearly need to leak it to the press to deny its value to your enemy, the United States, or as you justify, GWB. But whether you are concerned about the sanctity of the Forth Amendment or you are a paranoid moonbat with a tinfoil hat, the enemy is now among us. Fortress America has been breached. Now what?

Deny, deceive, destroy, or exploit?

Whatever our answer is it is clear that we must not let the information networks of our adversaries operate with impunity. Certainly we must observe them at work, whether they are using a chat line in Arabia, or having a casual conversation about how to destroy the West on their cell phone in Boston. We must orient ourselves to their modus operandi, and be capable of the necessary action. We must decide on the best way on how to defeat our adversaries. We must act with purpose or we will be out maneuvered, out gunned, and outlasted as a civilization.

The Forth Amendment
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Lethal Networks

Berkowitz, in his book “The New Face of War” speaks of the influence of technology over modern warfare. In the information age, victory will go to the side that has the most influence over technology and its networks. If the U.S. isn’t the one to dominate these information networks, somebody else will.

Legislators and business executives need to have an altruistic sense of purpose that keeps the nation’s goals in mind.

Some believe that Al Qaeda is a rag-tag loose confederation of sloven camel jockeys who happened to just score big on 9-11. Nothing could be further from the truth. The founder, Osama bin Laden is the son of a construction magnate and an engineer. Many of the disaffected youth in Al Qaeda were college educated in the United States. Al Qaeda used exceptional Operational Security, particularly since the press has ratted out U.S. intelligence satellite eves dropping.

History will see Osama Bin Laden as the first military commander to utilize modern technology to level the playing field with U.S. forces. The following are parallels between Al Qaeda and Special Forces in Afghanistan;

1) Both use encrypted communications.
2) Both use small covert teams.
3) Both are controlled by a central command hundreds to thousands of miles away.
4) Both use ‘fuel air’ explosives.
5) Both leaders took refuge underground when under attack.
6) Both are foreigners relying on locals for information and support.

Berkowitz points out that technology is driving both sides to use the same tactics. He notes that the new combat organization is something different the Greek phalanx.

Al Qaeda managed to kill 3,025 Americans where the Japanese killed 2,403 at Pearl Harbor, and the Confederates killed 2,100 at Antietam. The economic impact was in the hundreds of billions. Berkowitz calls it military genius, that a small group like AQ could fight at the same level of a nation-state. Afghanistan nearly became the first nation to sink a U.S. warship since WWII.

“The lesson: Today the ability to collect, communicate, process, and protect information is the most important factor defining military power. In the past armor, firepower, mobility defined military power, but now it often matters less how fast you can move or how much destructive force you can apply. Stealth trumps armor, precision trumps explosive force, and being able to react faster than your opponent trumps speed.”

“Osama bin Laden was a pioneer, and the September 11 strike was a demonstration. The basic ingredients for creating such a lethal network or combat organization are widely available. Many organizations have the global presence and skills required. They will learn the lessons and adopt similar tactics. The threat is not just Al Qaeda fundamentalism, or terror. The threat is a technology combined with an idea. Lethal networks are here to stay.”

Monday, January 23, 2006

Welcome to the Realities of Warfare in the Information Age

In Bruce Berkowitz’s book, “The New Face of War”, he tells us there are five numbers to keep in mind:

1) $750 billion. This is the total combined world spending on defense according to the CIA’s World Factbook.
2) $380 billion. That is approximately what the US annual defense spending is today.
3) 3.2 percent. That is the percentage of gross domestic product that goes to funding the US military.
4) 17 percent. That is the annual rate that China’s defense spending has increased.
5) 3,025. That is the number of people that were killed in the 9-11 attacks.

The first number has been declining since the fall of the Soviet empire. Some due to the lack of spending by the Soviets themselves, and again, because of the countries no longer fear the Soviet Union.

Although the United States could be more efficient, no other nation is capable of producing the high tech weapons as the US stealth aircraft, transport thousands of troops halfway around the world, or hit targets within a few feet.

That the US spends 3.2 percent of it’s gross national product means that 98.6 percent is not. The robust economic machine rolls on while the average American is blissfully unaware of day to day defense matters.

China has certain advantages because they do not have a tremendous overhead, a fixed industry with decade long procurement contracts, and because they can devote their expenditures to defeating US technology or exploiting US weaknesses.

9-11 has shown us that while America is the undisputed ‘Superpower’, small terrorist nations or terrorist organizations can strike the US from halfway around the world.

“To deal with these threats, the United States must not only beat them in the information war – U.S. leaders must be able to decide when and how to strike them before they strike us. Doing this while observing the traditional rules of war will be a challenge. So will maintaining democratic control of U.S. armed forces. Welcome to the realities of warfare in the information age.”

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Killing Jill

Kidnappers have threatened to kill Jill Carroll, a journalist recently abducted in Baghdad. Carroll, fluent in Arabic, is as friendly towards the Islamic nation of Iraq as could be. But her affiliations were not the motive of the kidnapper’s; they have demanded the release of 8 female detainees of the US military in Iraq.

Carroll’s vehicle was stopped after leaving the office of a prominent Sunni politician, Adnan al-Dulaimi. The politician wasn’t there for the interview. Many believe that he was complicit in the abduction.

Carroll’s interpreter, Allan Enwiyah, was found dead in the vicinity shortly after her abduction.

“In its statement, CAIR said, "We, the undersigned representatives of the American Muslim community, call for the immediate and unconditional release of Jill Carroll, a journalist with a well-documented record of objective reporting and respect for both the Iraqi people and Arab-Islamic culture."
"We ask that her captors show mercy and compassion by releasing her so that she may return to her family. Certainly, no cause can be advanced by harming a person who only sought to let the world know about the human suffering caused by the conflict in Iraq."”

Jill has become a witting pawn in the Mohammedan game. If she is released after a visit by Counsel for American Islamic Relations, it would be a great feather in the cap of CAIR. CAIR has complained of the anti-Muslim backlash for tomorrows brutal murder of innocents.

Jill Carroll was a party to this deception and is working to build sympathy for the head cutters, child molesters, and sexual deviants of Islam. It is for this reason that it would be in the best interests of the West that they ‘Kill Jill’. God have mercy on her soul.

Noble Lawbreakers

I was listening to an Am radio channel in a rental car last night. I was making a quick trip to dinner and back so all I heard was the following exchange;

“Being against illegal immigration is racist. (woman with a mid-western accent). My husband is an illegal alien. He works his ass off. All they want is to come here and work so that they can take care of their families. This land was taken from them originally. It belonged to Mexico.”

From this I inferred the following ideas; 1) All national boundaries are either sovereign of they are racist. It could not be both. 2) I married someone who has no legal right to be here. 3) Many illegal aliens are hard workers. 4) All they want is to take care of their families, especially the ones they make while here illegally. 5) They see themselves as soldiers in a war to reaffirm the rights of Mexico here in America. We are at war.

In the background, you could hear our ‘noble’ lawbreaker yelling; “chinga tu madre pinche puto!”

Last week on the local Fox affiliate, while I was getting ready for work I heard; “Those who are protesting illegal immigration are racists! We at war! It is time to rally our forces, to gather our men and prepare to wage battle.”
It occurs to me that the rhetoric of illegal immigration has risen to the level of ‘pre-war’ belligerence. If something doesn’t happen soon, it is clear that the war that was fought so many years ago, will be fought again.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What Color is Your Revolution?

Michael Ledeen makes the case that Iran should be feared more as an exporter of terror than and exporter of technology. He suggests that the mullahs are teetering on the edge of the abyss of revolution.

“Our failure to support revolution in Iran is already a terrible embarrassment, and risks becoming an enormous catastrophe. Almost everyone who writes about the chances for revolution takes it for granted that it would take a long time to come to fruition. Why must that be so? The revolutions in countries like Georgia and the Ukraine seem to have erupted in an historical nanosecond. Nobody foresaw them, everyone was surprised. Who imagined the overnight success of the Lebanese people? How long did that take? The entire region is awash with revolutionary sentiment, and nowhere more than Iran. Why assume — because no one can possibly "know" such things — that it would take a long time?”

The Rose Revolution of Georgia was sparked by the losing side of a rigged election. Similarly, the Orange Revolution came upon the heels of widespread electoral fraud. In Iran, thousands of candidates were disqualified by the guardian counsel. But calls for a boycott of the election were largely ignored and nearly 63% of the electorate showed up to vote in the populist, Mahmoud Ahmadinezhad with 62% of the vote. The Iranians peoples chance seems to come and gone. Perhaps they are mere victims of tyranny.

So what can be done to foment the Pistachio Revolution?

Monday, January 16, 2006

On “Grappling with the Ayatollahs”

This from the Belmont Club:
John Keegan lays out what sees are the West's options with respect to Iran.
The pressing question is, indeed, what is to be done when a report to the Security Council fails to bring Iran to desist from nuclear enrichment? ... It is much more doubtful whether sanctions would make Iran change its policy. ...

Keegan correctly notes that the Iranian’s have the ability and the will to disrupt Gulf shipping. This will throw the EU into economic turmoil and they are not likely to be nice about it. At home, many Americans are not prepared to ‘throw-in’ behind anything that this administration does. It makes the Bush administration look like a ‘lame-duck’ administration. Bush seems to have two options, be meek and wither in effectiveness and popularity, or be bold and go-it-alone.

The Iranians are in an excellent position to play the spoilers in Iraq and would be delighted with a good enough reason to do so I think.

People often note that the Iranian people are young, modern, and are most likely to favor ‘regime change’, but that being said, consider that most standing armies are composed or very young recruits, more so during war time.

“…how far it can let Al Qaeda and Hezbollah go without bringing down the spectators from the stands.”

This is the question. Is it our magnanimity that keeps our military ventures few and narrow, or is it an institutional memory of the early to middle 20th century that we are weary that at some tripping point, the spectators will come “down from the stands”?

Bush is a moderate Republican and a corporate CEO type personality-wise by my reckoning. That is why the continuity of government has been so important to him. In 1998, The Clinton administration devised a policy of Iraqi regime change, i.e.; the disposition of Saddam. That is why the Bush administration set about to implement that strategy, then crystallized that focus after 9-11 and that is the only reason we went to Iraq. That is the only reason necessary, the rest is just window dressing.

It is a well known fact that al Queda operatives work in Iran. A fact. The Iranian regime even admits so, they, however, profess that they are under house arrest.

There are purported to be a small number of 20-40 al Queda members in Iran;

"A large number of small- and big-time elements of al Qaeda are in our custody," Mr. Yunesi told the official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).”

The Ukraine inherited 5000 nuclear weapons. Some report that some of those found their way to Iran. Iran is not in a position to directly threaten the well being of the US, or are they? Nonetheless, I would suspect that the Iranians would take greater pleasure in destroying Tel Aviv than New York.

As far as the 10 year timeline is concerned, please consider that the erudite analysts in the CIA hate the president, are pissed at the organization for taking a ‘worse case’ view on Iraqi WMD, and will do anything to embarrass, or otherwise hamstring the current administration. Stalin would have had them all shot and their families exiled to Siberia.

As far as Pakistan being more dangerous than Iran, perhaps, but right now the nukes are in a safe place and not likely to be covertly transferred to terrorists. When the time comes, they will be obliterated with extreme prejudice. Be sure of that. The Pakistani parliament does not open every session with chants of “death to America”. The Iranians have been hankering for a show-down and they will get one.

Noli Irritare Leones!

Islam has grown in a parallel but not equal path as Western Civilization. It has struggled to stay relevant. Hollywood still has an influence on cultural trends and must seem like a continuous and blaring loud speaker of Western ideas. This is the extent of Western hegemony, products of culture imbibed readily by a public eager to be entertained. This is a two part message, ‘Drink Diet Coke’ and ‘George Bush is Bad’. But the job of the Imams is to block Western pop culture and replace it with the centuries old call to prayer. They must establish supremacy of ideas for an increasingly disinterested youth. The street whip is losing its’ sting and eventually acts of extreme public brutality are the only means to quell the cultural curiosity of the youth. Anti-Americanism is a palliative for the aging despots. Perhaps a confrontation over nuclear technology is the answer.

At the time of the 1979 rebellion, it is interesting to note, while Americans were protesting in the streets with wishy-washy slogans like: “Hey hey! Ho ho! The blankety-blank has got to go!” Tens of thousands of Iranians were chanting in the streets of Tehran: “Death to America!”

It will be a great day indeed when ME youth gather in the streets and chant: “Death to fascists!”

Iran is playing a deadly game of brinksmanship. It sounds like Iran sees Islamic Jihad as a state industry. How would the US respond to simultaneous strikes against shipping, and a gathering army or Jihadists at the Iraqi border? The former would be a messy affair, but a great opportunity to pare down Iran’s surface navy to a swarm of fast attack vessels and then pare it down further to flotsam and jetsam. An assemblage of Iranian forces on the Iraqi border would be a keen opportunity to see the deterring effect of a Fuel Air Explosive. I expect that if they try targeting Israel with missiles, we might see the first operational use of tactical nukes.

Noli irritare leones. (Do not irritate the lion)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

They Came From Up There Posted by Picasa

US Air Strikes in the Heart of Pakistan?

Three suspect houses were demolished by a US air strike in the Bajur tribal region of Pakistan. If this is true it marks an incident where US forces have struck in the heart of Pakistan. It is likely that a lot of weight was given to the intelligence report that indicated the target. The ‘blowback’ to the Musharraf regime was fierce and predictable.

“Yesterday some of the results of the strike were very clear: three ruined houses, mud-brick rubble scattered across the steeply terraced fields, the bodies of livestock lying where thrown by the airblast, a row of newly dug graves in the village cemetery and torn green and red embroidered blankets flapping in the chilly wind. Four children were among the 18 villagers who died in the brutally sudden attack on their homes”, the Guardian observes.”

The village lies in the semi-autonomous Bajur tribal region around 120 miles northwest of Islamabad.

The eyes in the sky can see you.“The upgraded Predator, the MQ-9 Hunter/Killer, has been operational in the Balkans since April 2001. In March 2005, the USAF awarded a further contract for the System Design & Development (SDD) of MQ-9. 15 MQ-9 have been ordered and eight delivered to the USAF. The Predator B has an operational ceiling of 50,000ft and a maximum internal payload of 800lb and external payload of over 3,000lb. Predator B has been flight tested with Hellfire II anti-armour missiles and can carry up to 14 missiles.”http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/predator/
If it can see you, it can kill you. Up to 14 missiles. That is a lot of ‘Hellfire’.

“Thousands of local men marched in a series of protests yesterday, one crowd attacking the office of a US-funded aid group. In another incident, police were forced to fire tear gas to disperse as many as 400 protesters chanting anti-American slogans and waving banners condemning the Pakistan President, General Pervez Musharraf.”

Pakistan announced it would file a formal protest with the Americans. Skeptics will observe that Musharraf is cooperating fully with the Americans while crying foul for consumption at home. This is a dangerous tight-rope for the regime and only time will tell whether the Pakistani’s at large are, in the famous words of George W. Bush, ‘with us or with the terrorists’.

Meanwhile, on the home front, the issue of domestic spying is heating up.
“Bush has pointed to a congressional resolution passed after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, that authorized him to use force in the fight against terrorism as allowing him to order the program. The program authorized eavesdropping of international phone calls and e- mails of people deemed a terror risk.
"I thought they were wrong," Specter said on ABC's "This Week." "There still may be different collateral powers under wartime situations. That is a knotty question."

Senatorial hearings will be on-going at the precise moment that the UNSC is reviewing the Iran nuclear issue. Arlen Specter noted in general terms that the hearings may conclude with a criminal prosecution or impeachment.

What is a greater state, one that protects its’ own or one that feeds on its’ own? It is difficult to say at this time that the one who would prosecute its’ chief executive during war time could survive the impending holocaust.

But for the moment, ‘the Great Satan own the Heavens’.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Annoy Mouse Speaks Posted by Picasa

Response to a 'Brave New World'

The fabled civil war in Iraq is happening after all, but who have guessed that it would be for the hearts and minds of the insurgency itself.

"We've been scared for a long time," Ali said. "We've had enough." This statement rings prophetic.

The advent of nuclear arms was to change the way wars are waged, keeping the superpowers at a stalemate, while proxies socked it out in regional low intensity conflicts.
The clash of the titans would give birth to two very different offspring. The two edges of the sword are intelligence and operations. A personal, in your face insurgency that was best countered with soldiers with intimate knowledge of the local customs and knew it’s leaders, soldiers who’d, when push come to shove, knock your door down and drag you out to the streets into an interrogation room. And an all-together different, death from above capability, semi-autonomous air vehicles that could fire volleys of precision guided munitions whilst its’ controllers were hundreds of miles away in an air conditioned bunker. This later development has in a sense obviated the notion of borders. In fact the ‘air-mobility’ tactics first developed in Viet Nam have evolved to such an extent that US war fighting doctrine prefers a smaller operating footprint in the face of conventional set piece warfare as has been evidenced by OIF. Predators scored their first kills in engagements in Yemen, Afghanistan, and not unlikely Pakistan. It seems evident that the future will bring more of the same, and inevitably, space borne weapons platforms that can rain hell fire upon any point on the globe will be deployed.

The schism that drove H.G .Wells Morlocs underground has found imitation in life as the VC tunnels, the Talibans’ caves, and Iran’s subterranean nuclear complex. It is the cries of the pacifists that will ensure a more frightening future of warfare. The days of detent, Mutually Assured Destruction, and walking softly and carrying a big stick are over. And so it goes, the future of warfare is not only the outer space, but the inner space of the mind.

It is because of the melt down of the alliances of the liberal west that we shall see a world in greater turmoil. We see more death and destruction, and we will see it because we have valued peace more than justice, that we value the life of our adversaries more than they value their own, and finally, we will have a global war because our allies that we have invested so much to be with us, wish more than their own survival, our comeuppance. This will be the basis of the ever broadening pool of blood, the red on blue war fought across the Rubicon of the corpus colosum.


Politics are bounded by the fault-lines of contention. Introduce to this the complexities of the geographic chest board and one would wonder if there are not already too many players in the game. But it is a matter of certainty that when additional ‘pawns’ are added on the board that they would be manipulated to their full potential by those who would control by deception, subterfuge, and the force of arms the game board.

The naiveté exhibited by Europeans in matters of Jihad, mimics their erstwhile romantic infatuation with Bader Mein hoff, the IRA, and Che’.
One might look forward to a time where the extremely dangerous potential of a nuclear capable terrorist might evoke the ire of the Euro-PC elites, to beg off the subtle, incorruptible onslaught of truth and receive instead, the ‘gift of desperation’.

High Profile

Profiling is used if not intentionally, then subconsciously. If the current profile is a middle eastern male then in the future, it will be who ever the Jihadists can ideologically turn or otherwise coerce. Intelligence will at times indicate a particular threat and such knowledge must be acted on, meanwhile, helpful statistics must be observed.
It is clear that US intelligence cannot simply infiltrate the clans of our enemies, why let them move amongst us without the slightest scrutiny?

On George Galloway

An incitement to war must ultimately be answered with bombs and bullets. If we are to endure the seditious rants of the like of George Galloway we must answer his unmistakable call. At what point is the ability of our intelligence services overwhelmed by the opposition forces who answer this escalating drum beat?

The treason must be stopped, you are either with us or you are with the enemy. If the slightest muttering of hatred is a state crime here in the west, how can we stand for the hate filled screeds of the like of gorgeous George abroad? It must stop.

If our government can do nothing, then maybe someone who is truly concerned for the future of his daughters can take Galloway to task for his plea for murder, for murder is what is being demanded and murder it will be. Our adversaries may make the rules but it is anybodies game to play. May the fragments not carry too far.

It is an abrogation of responsibility for a government to allows it’s citizens to travel abroad to taunt and call on an enemy to act out in “self defense” (defense of ones daughters), an enemy that is finding it increasingly difficult to rationalize anything but war. It is incitement to Jihad nothing less, and if our government cannot protect it’s citizenry from such madmen, perhaps it should be handled by the “Minutemen” of more rational minds. George Galloway must answer to his crimes against humanity now!

The Armed Civil Rights Movement

Jihadists have stolen the black rights meme and have been playing themselves as the victims in a game of racism. Early attempts tried to radicalize black youth against the common white enemy to no avail. Malcolm X didn’t play to the Southern Baptists.

The Anglican Church in Africa has had about enough of the revisionist teachings of their Western brethren, and are in the midst of a clean break.

“Africa's Anglican Bishops began a five-day conference Tuesday with a declaration that the "African Church has come of age." The church must now become self-sufficient to withstand unbiblical Western spirituality and the advances of militant Islam, said Peter Akinola, the Chairman of the Conference of Anglican Provinces in Africa (CAPA) and the head of the Anglican Church of Nigeria.”
Western spirituality has left the African church.

Old Joe Wilson

Wilson is a partisan hack. IIRC Niger has two main exports, uranium and oil. To that I would add Niger is the worlds largest exporter of forged documents. That is why it is bizarre that any documents originating from there would not be immediately suspect.

At any rate, when the Iraqis make overtures to create a trade agreement, it was pretty obvious that Hussein wasn’t looking to buy oil.
Whereas Plame is a state sponsored whore, Wilson is a ideological vigilante with a book deal. Not much of secret anymore.

A Conservative is a Liberal Who Has Been Mugged

“There can be no freedom for Muslim peoples without the defeat of the Islamofascists and everything they stand for; and there can be no defeat of the Islamofascists without liberty for all Muslim peoples.”

“Both of these observations, and indeed this very statement, would be redundant if it were not for the widespread cultural presence of a pseudo-Left, and an isolationist Right, both of whom have degenerated to the point where they regard jihadism as some form of "liberation theology". The old slogans are often the best, and "Death to Fascism" is life-affirming in these conditions”

“I think, 'for these values, here we stand, for these values, here we fight'.”

“I think we all want the freedom to be more like ourselves and therefore we all oppose those fascists who would deprive us of that right. I think this common humanity will defeat the fascism of our generation as it did the fascism of the 1940s but only if it combines winning arguments, with winning wars”
It looks like the bombers duped young men into a suicide mission without their knowledge. A true homicide bombing. ‘Carry these satchels to station x, then just before you get off, take off your pack and leave it in the corner’, except one station before they get off, the bombs are activated. How many dupes will the Jihadists find in London? Well, perhaps enough. The holy war continues.

Hairdressers and Phone Sanitizers

"If," he said tersely, "we could for a moment move on to the subject of fiscal policy ..."

"Fiscal policy!" whooped Ford Prefect, "Fiscal policy!"

The Management Consultant gave him a look that only a lungfish could have copied.

"Fiscal policy ..." he repeated, "that is what I said."

"How can you have money," demanded Ford, "if none of you actually produces anything? It doesn't grow on trees you know."

"If you would allow me to continue ..."

Ford nodded dejectedly."Thank you. Since we decided a few weeks ago to adopt the leaf as legal tender, we have, of course, all become immensely rich."


The operating space made available within the envelop of “plausible deniability” allows a new front in the seething miasma of the ME. Iran is now an Area of Operations.

The tyrants of Iran will make more bellicose assertations to be sure. These mullah bastards have been pulling strings and making hell for the US and its’ allies in the region for long enough now. With the Iraq beach head (Tinian Island) new rules are definitely in play. Like a good hand of cards they need to be played carefully.

As a general rule no country has ever invaded another country that has nuclear weapons. This must be the thought process going on inside the mind of Our Dear Leader. Kim Ill has China to protect him, they have not chosen their friends well, but the Mullahs will have no one to come to their aid but a belligerent French government spokesman whose tired agitprop will no longer serve his deceitful ends. May the rule persist.

China has done well in its proxy wars against the US, Vietnam, Korea, and others. The more time China has to cozy up to Tehran the more satisfying it will be to hand them the laundry ticket for an account past due and a payback that they desperately deserve.

North Korea is so busy falling through its’ own @sshole we couldn’t do more to accelerate its’ demise. As far as Formosa is concerned, strategic ambiguity is working. China has donned the Golden Strait Jacket and would go from host of the 2008 Olympics to the worlds largest suburb of Tijuana if it makes a play for it.

While Ledeen and others say “Faster Please”, I say “Steady as She Goes”.

Saudi’s Choice

The Saudis’ are sending the detritus of their own society to the Iraq theater. The longer US forces attrit Arab jihadists in and around Iraq the easier it will for the Wahabists to keep the fabric of burkhas on at home. Not very promising in itself but the spread of democracy in the region coupled with liberalization of women’s rights will takes its toll.

Meanwhile the EU is playing toesy with the mullahs, the US must be weighing its options of a nuclear Iran.

We got a hard slog to win the hearts and minds of Americans at home. If not our generation will future generations take up the mantel imbued with the knowledge of the righteousness of our endeavors? One can only hope that the victims of our current educational system will rebel against the tired Trotskyites of academia.

As far as sponsorship is concerned, churches and religious institutions are the greatest contributors of charity. This is perhaps potentially the most insidious conduit of money. (Expect the IRS to get very proactive in the US on this) It seems the only weapon against Wahabi madrassas would be to turn a reformed Islam back upon itself. Who will be a partner with civilization to achieve this goal if not a democratic Saudi Arabia?

About Katrina

What is a Person to Do?
Making good for common benefit is hard to do. It is self-interest that motivates all, the greater of good or the lesser of evils. It is a maternal instinct in nature and is not natural to most creatures, let alone men. We look at the factions and infighting in Iraq and wonder why the common good of a nation will not be considered before the self-interest of incremental personal gain and chaos is concerned.

Abraham Manslow spoke of a hierarchy of needs, first fundamental, second psychological, and third spiritual. The crack addict is forever starved of nourishment, is spiritually vacant, and is perennially crazy. There is no glamour in fulfilling fundamental needs. There is no sanctity in fulfilling spiritual needs, it is an insult to those who know better. It is clear that any person in need of fundamental sustenance will do that which meets theirs and the needs of their love ones, as any down trodden soul would take advantage of the moment when opportunity availed. What would you do if the world and its attendant responsibilities ended?

Anarchy of purpose, hamstrung governmental endeavors, such is the dead-lock created by political hyper-sensitivity. The media has always mau mau’d any political leaders that have acted with purpose and vigor. Until leaders can come forward who will act with a personal sense of morality instead of this “free-to-be-you-and-me-hug-a-tree” abandonment that is now so popular, our governance will be listless and ineffectual. If the unwashed masses cannot be expected to accord to reason then they can only be governed by tyranny or else be cut adrift to fend for themselves, and when reality comes a knockin’, fall down. It is what parents would do when all other forms of guidance fails, they let their offspring go.

No act of preventative vigilance could expect to compete with the 15 minute sound bite and the ‘show me the results now’ mentality of the short attention span theater set. As David has attested, it happened on GWB’s watch…but dad was at fault too.

It is a human tragedy, it is an American tragedy, and if we do not share in its lessons we will reap its effects again and again.

The ol’ man cried a river, the little piggy went to market, and the little Dutch boy got none.

Road Warrior
Giuliani the saint might consider that a plane crashing into a building is not the same as an approaching hurricane. It is likened to the plane showing up several times a year and making faints at the tower tempting King Kong into complacence. The pumps, the levee, FEMA, superman, where were you when we needed you? Acts of God are acts of God. We shall endeavor to never find ourselves beneath falling trees, falling mountains, falling skies, and falling governments.

Anarchy makes its own reasons. I horde a years worth of food and several weeks worth of water. I keep my supplies at home, in my RV, on my boat, and in storage. Now I support the 2nd amendment, but for personal reasons I swore off firearm ownership. If anarchy shall prevail I will take a club and get myself a knife. With a knife I will get myself a pistol. With a pistol I will get myself a shotgun. With a shotgun I will get myself a rifle. With a rifle I will get myself an artillery piece. With an artillery piece I will get myself an airplane. With an airplane I will fly away, over the road warrior and beyond.